Climate Action
气候变化对我们企业的未来至关重要,因为我们的环境受到了威胁, so is our ability to operate. 气温上升引起的恶劣天气造成了洪水的危险, drought and other disasters that can impact farming, and as a result, the livelihood of the food industry, a key sector we serve. 极端天气事件也可能迫使我们的设施在受损或不安全的情况下停止生产.
作为一家全球制造商,我们在减缓气候变化的步伐方面发挥着重要作用. 这就是为什么我们减少温室气体排放的承诺是以科学为基础的气候目标为依据的, 监管环境和我们在全球制造工厂实施战略计划的数十年经验.
我们的 2030 目标
Many of our goals center around improvements in these areas. 但我们也在关注工厂外的环境,并鼓励供应商通过改善其业务和供应链的环境来减少我们购买的材料的足迹.
作为我们加快对气候行动贡献的承诺的一部分, we have defined science-based emission reduction targets, approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), 确认我们的目标与《云顶集团糖果游戏》一致,将全球气温上升限制在远低于1摄氏度的水平.5 degrees Celsius. We have also signed onto the RE100 and joined The Climate Pledge, 通过使用可再生能源和支持减少碳足迹的方法,加强我们优先考虑气候变化的承诺.
Learn how each of these goals aligns with the United Nations' Sustainable Development 目标 (SDGs).
Reduce Scope 1 GHG emissions, 目标是将范畴1(燃料)及范畴2(电力排放)的绝对排放量合计减少50%.
Reduce Scope 2 GHG emissions, 目标是将范畴1(燃料)及范畴2(电力排放)的绝对排放量合计减少50%.
Reduce absolute GHG emission from our supply chain (Scope 3) by 16%.
根据我们的科学减排倡议(SBTi)温室气体目标,到2030年实现75%的可再生电力, 100% by 2040 and 100% by 2050.
Taking Action
回到顶部我们的 二十by30 这些目标旨在促进国际社会将全球变暖控制在1摄氏度以下的努力.5摄氏度,并旨在积极保护我们的业务免受与气候变化相关的风险. We will achieve our goals by taking the following actions:
Scope 1 GHG emissions
- Drive fuel efficiency in our equipment and our facilities.
- Convert to equipment powered by renewable electricity.
- 在我们的运营中识别和替换低效的设备.
- 投资创新以支持提高效率和减少燃料使用.
Scope 2 GHG emissions
- Improve electricity efficiency and reduce the impact of its use.
- 在我们的运营中识别和替换低效的设备.
- 投资创新以支持提高效率和减少燃料使用.
- 转向可再生电力,这反映在我们的RE100承诺中.
Scope 3 GHG emissions
- Partner with our suppliers of steel, 铝和其他关键输入材料,以减少温室气体足迹.
- Improve the fuel efficiency of and reduce milage in our logistics, distribution and transportation processes.
- Deliver against our circularity and product stewardship goals.
Renewable electricity
- Invest in on-site company-owned equipment.
- 参与现场和非现场捆绑购电协议(PPA).
- Utilize grid renewable electricity (green tariff).
- Leverage Virtual Power Purchase Agreements (VPPA).
Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions
- 继续控制涂层重量和监测应用性能.
- Reduce the number of coating pass applications.
- Increase the use of water-based coatings.
- 通过利用粉末、层压板和UV涂层技术,拓宽干性涂料的使用.
- 安装和升级蓄热式热氧化器(RTOs)应符合当地法规要求.
我们的 Sustainability Stories: Progress in Practice
回到顶部在气候行动方面,我们在全球的员工和业务部门已经在尽自己的一份力量. Here are just a few examples of how they are making a difference:
Patras, Greece
Identifying and repairing air leakages, 优化各种生产线电机的使用和更新设施照明,这些都有助于该团队每年节省1160兆瓦时(MWhs)的能源。, even while maintaining the same output of cans year over year. 这些改进帮助工厂每年减少了360吨二氧化碳的排放, 保护我们的臭氧层免受损耗和由此导致的气候变化.
Ponta Grossa, Brazil
在整个生产车间升级到电动叉车,使该工厂的托盘运输二氧化碳排放量减少了95%, 同时,该设施的总排放量也减少了近10%. After further validation, 设备转换已在巴西所有工厂实施,每年可能会额外减少750吨二氧化碳的排放——这是一个促进更节能运营的集体区域影响.
Monterrey, Mexico
在生产车间周围的多个领域进行投资,使该团队能够减少能源消耗并找到新的效率. With new air conditioners, variable speed compressors, high-efficiency motors and new lighting, 该设施每年减少的二氧化碳排放量超过120吨, 展示了通过轻微调整所产生的重大影响.
UN Sustainability Development 目标
回到顶部In 2015, 联合国大会宣布了17项可持续发展目标,以应对全球变化,并为到2030年实现这些目标制定了行动蓝图.
我们的可持续优先事项与可持续发展目标保持一致,使我们的行动能够产生更大的集体影响. Learn more about our alignment with each goal 在这里.
Additional 资源
回到顶部Have questions about our approach to climate action? Contact us at